No Dots Ltd Equality, diversity and inclusion statement

No Dots Ltd will foster an inclusive, empowering culture for all staff, volunteers, freelance workers, customers, audience, clients, and collaborators.

The trustees and management of No Dots are committed to avoiding unfair discrimination on the basis of protected characteristics* in all our activities, including the engagement of staff, freelancers, and volunteers and the provision of public events. Beyond the ten protected characteristics, No Dots is committed to avoiding unfair discrimination or disadvantage on the basis of class and economic circumstances.

These commitments to equality, diversity, and inclusion will be actively considered in the context of all No Dots activities and programmes, including recruitment, public programming, working with volunteers, and in the provision of professional development opportunities for musicians.

No Dots will gather relevant data proportionate to the organisation’s capacity and resources and the Artistic Director will report to the board of trustees on these issues at each board meeting.

* The ten protected characteristics in the 2010 Equality Act are: age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation.

July 2023